Carsharing: the sustainable and affordable alternative to car ownership

Use promo code CL40
to save even more

$40 off any new membership
  • $3.05/hour or $22.15/day
  • Starting at 28¢/km

Carsharing: the sustainable and affordable alternative to car ownership

Use promo code CL40
to save even more

40$ off on any new membership
  • 3.05$/h or 21.65$/day
  • Starting at 27¢/km

What's carsharing?

Communauto carsharing is the perfect partner to public transit, walking and biking. We offer 2 services to fit your lifestyle: 

Round-trip cars

FLEX one-way cars

What's carsharing?

Communauto carsharing is the perfect partner to public transit, walking and biking. We offer 2 services to fit your lifestyle: 

Round-trip cars

FLEX one-way cars

Communauto all-in-one app

With Communauto, getting a car when you need one has never been easier.

In just a few clicks on the Communauto app:

  • Access to more than 1,000 cars in Ontario;
  • Reserve your car;
  • Unlock it at the start of your trip and lock it at the end!

Enjoy the perks of carsharing


All-in-one app to access and unlock the car

Just when you need it

Without the burden of owning a car!
Learn more


Various membership plans depending on your needs

With amazing long-distance rates

And gas is even included
Use promo code CL40


Reduce the number of vehicles on the road

And car use overall

Which reduces polluting emissions
Help your city breathe